
Federico Lazzari, Secretary – General of Build Europe: Build Europe paves the way for changes in EU Housing Policy

2024 Brought Key Achievements and New Opportunities for Sustainable and Affordable Construction

Mr. Lazzari, аt the beginning of 2025 can you tell us how was the past year for Build Europe? Could you highlight the most significant achievements and milestones for the organization?

2024 was an important year for Build Europe. After the European elections, many ideas from our Manifesto were picked up by policymakers. One of the biggest achievements was the appointment of the first-ever EU Commissioner for Housing, which we’ve been pushing for since 2019. This shows that housing is finally being recognised as a priority. We also joined the European Investment Bank’s Housing Task Force. This gives us a strong voice to ensure that EU and national governments understand what developers and homebuilders need to make housing more affordable and increase supply.

What are Build Europe's top priorities for 2025, especially in light of the recent appointment of the EU's first Commissioner for Energy and Housing?

In 2025, we want to make sure the new EU Affordable Housing Plan is practical and works for everyone. This means simplifying the rules and making it easier to plan and build homes. We also need more investment in housing, both from the public and private sectors. Another big focus will be on creating a balanced approach to the EU’s “No Net Land Take by 2050” policy. The lack of buildable land is a big reason why housing is so expensive, so we need smart solutions to manage land use better.

How does Build Europe plan to address the ongoing housing affordability crisis across the EU, particularly considering the challenges of limited housing supply, rising land prices, and increasing construction costs?

The first step is understanding the problem. We’re gathering information from our member federations to give the EU a clear picture of what’s really causing the crisis. It’s not just about building more homes: it’s also about recognising how policies like the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will affect costs and supply. We need to avoid overregulation that could make the problem worse. By sharing facts and practical ideas, we can help the EU develop solutions that actually work.

Could you elaborate on the significance of the Build Europe Awards 2024 in promoting sustainable housing, and how such initiatives influence the broader European housing market?

The Build Europe Awards 2024 were a chance to celebrate the best of European construction. They showed how innovative and sustainable our companies can be, and they were a great way to highlight this to policymakers and the public. It’s important to recognise the positive impact that construction has on society and to inspire others to follow these examples. By showcasing what’s possible, the awards encourage more innovation within the industry, but it also raises awareness about the incredible innovative developments brought forward by European constructors. We need to be proud of their work.

What role does Build Europe envision for private investment in enhancing public housing initiatives, and what measures are being advocated to attract such investments?

Private investment plays a key role in making housing more affordable and accessible. Build Europe, as part of the European Investment Bank’s Housing Task Force, supports ideas like the Multi-Framework Investment Scheme. This brings together public and private funding to develop affordable housing, using tools like land leases and interest rate subsidies. To attract private investors, we need policies that reduce risks, like simplifying planning rules and offering guarantees for projects. By fostering partnerships between governments, developers, and investors, we can deliver housing that meets people’s needs without heavy state intervention.

In 2025, BCC and Stroitel Newspaper will host a Roundtable discussion on the perspectives and challenges in the construction sector. We take this opportunity to invite you to participate with a presentation at the forum and to outline the main priorities for Build Europe.

Thank you for the invitation! Depending on the event date and our availability, my colleagues and I would be honoured to participate and share valuable insights.