The Law on the Structure of the Territory has been changed 44 times in 9 years
In the first six months of this year only the National Assembly has passed 43 laws for amendment and supplement to already existing acts. This number however is much larger because still with transitional and final provisions are made essential amendments and supplements. Thus the total number of amended laws reaches 108. These are part of the results of the so-called juristic barometer that investigates the dynamics and trends in the legislative process in the first half of the year. The survey includes laws and sub-law normative acts, Constitutional Court decisions, the interpreting practice of supreme courts. The results of the juristic barometer however exceed mere statistics. On the basis of collected data participants in the project make conclusions about the state of law order in our country and about trends in its development. The idea has been realized by the “Center for legal initiatives” Association with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and MATRA program. This is the pilot issue of the juristic barometer as the aim of its creators is it to be published twice a year.